Wednesday 31 May 2017


Bio-metric Vehicle Access system

Bio-metric vehicle technology is an automated access vehicle monitoring and operating system, based on behavioural or physiological characteristics of the human, used for verification and recognition of a manual access. Many versions of the biometric security system are available in the market such as voice verification, fingerprints, hand geometry and retinal/ iris/ face recognition. It’s a user-friendly, reliable and convenient identification and monitoring method.

A bio-metric vehicle control access systems have made their way to the market such as driver identification, automatic engine starter, bio-metric seats etc. The bio-metric car access or identification system provides better anti-theft protection and a great sense of comfort and safety to car owners. Major auto brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ford and Volkswagen and other company are working on this technology and finding innovative ways to strength the safety and security of their vehicle system.
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Friday 19 May 2017


Honda's LaneWatch Camera Technology

The resounding answer is, yes, Lane-watch has grown on many as a useful safety feature that not only helps display cars in the blind spot, but also cyclists and pedestrians. One downside, however, is the system's susceptibility to glare and distortion at night.

to using this technology a driver side window provide a much batter view.

when your right turn indicator is activated then image of the area of right side of the vehicle is show on the display. when lean button is activated to the signal of right and left side it's the help to  judge proper distance. a line show's to indict the distance of about the 10 feet behind the rear bumper, the second line show about 36 feet back and  the third is 78 feet behind the car. 

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